Autor: John Morton
Editura: Elsevier
An aparitie: 2005
Printed and bound in Great Britain
Despre ce este vorba?
Cartea prezinta numeroase proiecte embedded care au la baza utilizarea microcontroller-elor PIC, in special cele din seria PIC5x, PIC12F50x. De altfel, sunt prezentate si aplicatii cu PIC12F675. Aceasta este recomandata pasionatilor de electronica embedded.
Structura lucrarii
Exploring the PIC5x series
- Your first program
- Configuration bits
- Testing the program
- Simulating
- Emulating
- Blowing the PIC microcontroller
- Hardware
- Using the testing instructions
- Timing
- Seven-segment displays
- The program counter
- Subroutines and the stack
- Logic gates
- The watchdog timer
- Final instructions
- The STATUS file register
- The carry and digit carry flags
- What caused the reset?
- Indirect addressing
- Some useful (but not vital) tricks
- Final PIC5x program – ‘Bike buddy’
- The PIC12F50x series (8-pin PIC microcontrollers) 90
Differences from the PIC16F54
- The STATUS register
- The OSCCAL register
- Inputs and outputs
- The OPTION register
- The TRIS register
- The general purpose file registers
- The MCLR
- Configuration bits
- Example project: ‘PIC dice’
- Random digression
Intermediate operations using the PIC12F675
- The inner differences
- The OPTION and WPU registers
- The TRISIO register
- Calibrating the internal oscillator
- PCLATH: Higher bits of the program counter
- Remaining differences
- The interrupt service routine
- Interrupts during sleep
- Maintaining the STATUS quo
- New program template
- Example project: ‘Quiz game controller’
- Reading from the EEPROM
- Writing to the EEPROM
- Example project: ‘Telephone card chip’
- Further EEPROM examples: Music maker
Power monitor
- Analogue to digital conversion
- ANSEL: Analogue select register
- A/D conversion interrupt
- Example project: ‘Bath monitor’
Comparator module
- Voltage reference
- Comparator interrupts
- Comparator example: ‘Sun follower’
- Comparator example: Reading many buttons from one pin
- Final project: Intelligent garden lights
Advanced operations and the future
- Extra timers: TMR1 &..
- Capture/Compare/PWM 139
- USART: Serial communication
- Programming tips