Practical AVR Microcontrollers

Practical AVR Microcontrollers – Games, Gadgets and Home Automation

Timp de citit: < 1 minut

Autor: Alan Trevennor
Editura: Apress – New York
An aparitie: 2012

Despre ce este vorba?

Cartea prezinta numeroase proiecte care au la baza microcontroller-ul Atmel, fiind structurata in 13 capitole. Fiecare proiect este descris pe intelesul tututor. Acestea contin informatii detaliate, cum ar fi: poze, cod sursa si multe altele.

Materialul prezentat este recomandat pasionatilor de electronica embedded.

Structura cartii

Part 1: The Basics

Chapter 1: A Brief History of Microcontrollers
Chapter 2: Building Our AVR Test Bed
Chapter 3: Arduino and the Naked AVR
Chapter 4: Moving On!
Chapter 5: Smarten Up!
Chapter 6: Digitally Speaking

Part 2: The Projects

Chapter 7: Introduction to the Projects Section
Chapter 8: Project 1: Good Evening, Mr. Bond: Your Secret Panel
Chapter 9: Project 2: Crazy Beams—Exercise Your Pet!
Chapter 10: Project 3: WordDune
Chapter 11: Project 4: The Lighting Waterfall
Chapter 12: Moving to Mesmerize
Chapter 13: Smart Home Enablers

Appendix A: Common Components
Appendix B: A Digital Electronics Primer
Appendix C: Breadboards
Appendix D: Serial Communications

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