Autor: Frits „fritsl” Lyneborg –
An aparitie: 2014
Ce prezinta lucrarea?
In aceasta carte se prezinta informatii cu privire la construirea unui robot util la un pret acceptabil. Ca placa de dezvoltare se foloseste PICAXE-28 avand la baza microprocesul PICAXE-28X1.
Structura lucrarii
Prezentarea detaliata a materialelor necesare
- PICAXE-28 Project Board
- Male „snap off” Header Pins, at least 10 pins on a strip
- 3 Shorting Blocks, Top Closed
- 5 or more Female-Female Header Jumper cables
- 1 USB PICAXE Programming Cable
- 1 PICAXE-28X1 IC
- 1 L293D Motor Driver IC
- 1 DIL 330 x 8 resistor array
- 1 Standard servo
- 1 Sharp Analogue InfraRed Range Finding System (AERS) with cable
- 1 4 x AA Battery Holder if you are using rechargeable batteries or 1 3 x AA Battery Holder if you are using non-rechargeable batteries
- 2 Geared motors and wheels to fit
- 1 Roll of double sided foam tape
- 1 Heat shrink tube (5 mm approx)
Ready? Let’s make a robot 🙂
- Pins in holes!
- Next, general instructions: Extensions and alternations of wires and cables
- Fixing up the motors
- Chips in the board!
- Make the body.. without a body!
- Hook up the servo
- Mount the board, and hook up the motors
- Break out, software
- Programming