Electronic Applications - Inductor-Based Converters

Electronic Applications – Inductor-Based Converters

Timp de citit: 2 minute

Autor: Bob Zulinski – Associate Professorof Electrical Engineering Michigan Technological University

Despre ce este vorba?

Cartea prezinta in detaliu functionalitatea componentelor si circuitelor electronice.

Este recomandata celor care vor sa invete electronica pas-cu-pas, cu ilustratii si explicatii extrem de detaliate.

Structura cartii

1. Thermal Considerations in Amplifiers

  • Junction Temperature, TJ
  • Thermal Resistance
  • Specifying Device Ratings
  • Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Case
  • Thermal Resistance, Case-to-Sink
  • Thermal Resistance, Sink-to-Ambient
  • Class B Complementary Amplifier

2. Single-Ended Power Amplifiers

  • Class A Single-Ended Power Amplifier
  • Class B Single-Ended Amplifier

Introduction to Feedback

  • Negative Feedback
  • Positive Feedback
  • Closed-Loop Transfer Function
  • Gain Stability
  • Reduction of Nonlinear Distortion
  • Reduction of Noise

3. Types of Feedback

  • On the Input Side
  • On the Output Side
  • The Amplifier Block
  • The Feedback Block
  • Gain Equations
  • Effect on Input Resistance
  • Effect on Output Resistance
  • Summary of Feedback Types

4. Practical Feedback Networks

  • Identifying Feedback Configuration
  • Identifying Negative Feedback
  • Estimating the Feedback Factor
  • Design of Feedback Amplifiers

5. Transient and Frequency Response in Feedback Amplifiers

  • Introduction
  • Transient Response
  • Transient Response and Pole Location
  • Frequency Response and Pole Location
  • Graphical Details of Complex Conjugate Poles

6. Frequency Characteristics of Feedback Amplifiers

  • Dominant-Pole Amplifiers
  • Two-Pole Amplifiers
  • Amplifiers With 3 or More Poles

7. Gain Margin and Phase Margin

  • Introduction
  • Definitions
  • Gain Margin, Phase Margin, and Bode Plots
  • Examples

8. Compensation of Amplifiers

  • Compensation by Adding a Dominant Pole
  • Compensation by Moving an Existing Pole
  • Compensation by Adding a Pole and a Zero
  • Compensation in the LM741 Operational Amplifier

9. Oscillators

  • Introduction
  • RC Oscillator Example – Wien-Bridge Oscillator
  • LC Oscillators – The Hartley Oscillator
  • LC Oscillators – The Colpitts Oscillator
  • Hartley – Colpitts Comparison
  • Crystal Oscillators
  • Pierce Oscillator
  • Series-Resonant Crystal Oscillator

10. Comparators and Schmitt Triggers

  • Comparators
  • Schmitt Triggers

11. Single-Pole Circuits

  • General Response to Piecewise-Constant Inputs
  • Time Interval Between Known Values of Exponential Response
  • Pulse Response of Single-Pole High-Pass
  • Pulse Response of Single-Pole Low-Pass
  • Steady-State Rectangular-Wave Response of Single-Pole High-Pass
  • Steady-State Rectangular-Wave Response of Single-Pole Low-Pass

12. 555 IC Precision Timer

  • Introduction
  • Monostable Multivibrator
  • Astable Multivibrator

13. Energy Storage Elements

  • Capacitor in Series with Arbitrary Impedance
  • Inductor in Parallel with Arbitrary Impedance
  • Capacitive Voltage Divider
  • Miscellany

14. RC Attenuators

  • The Compensated Attenuator
  • The Generalized RC Attenuator
  • Practical RC Attenuators
  • An Oscilloscope Probe Example

15. Diode Static Characteristics

  • Measuring Reverse Saturation Current
  • Diode Cut-in Voltage
  • Temperature Dependence
  • Depletion Capacitance
  • Diffusion Capacitance
  • Zener Diodes
  • IC Diodes

16. BJT Static Characteristics

  • Output Characteristics
  • BJT Saturation-Region Model
  • BJT Example
  • Rule of Thumb Voltages
  • Power Dissipation
  • Inverse Mode

17. Diode Switching Characteristics

  • Zero Bias
  • Reverse Bias
  • Forward Bias
  • Diode Switching
  • Schottky Diodes

18. BJT and FET Switching Characteristics

  • BJT Operation in the Active Region
  • BJT Operation in the Saturation Region
  • Typical Switching Waveforms
  • Schottky Transistor
  • Increasing BJT Switching Speed
  • FET Switching Characteristics

19. Introduction to DC-DC Conversion

  • Converter Basics

20. Capacitor-Based Converters

  • Peak Rectifier
  • Clamp
  • Building a Capacitor-Based Converter
  • Nonideal Converters
  • Simulation of a Four-Stage Converter

21. Inductor-Based Converters

  • Techniques and Assumptions for Inductive-Converter Analysis
  • Buck Converter
  • Buck Converter Example
  • Boost Converter
  • Boost Converter Example
  • Buck-Boost Converter

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